Нужно десятичные перевести в обычные
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
Свойства функции y=x3y=x3
Давайте опишем свойства данной функции:
1. x – независимая переменная, y – зависимая переменная.
2. Область определения: очевидно, что для любого значения аргумента (x) можно вычислить значение функции (y). Соответственно, область определения данной функции – вся числовая прямая.
3. Область значений: y может быть любым. Соответственно, область значений – также вся числовая прямая.
4. Если x= 0, то и y= 0.
График функции y=x3y=x3
1. Составим таблицу значений:

2. Для положительных значений x график функции y=x3y=x3 очень похож на параболу, ветви которой более "прижаты" к оси OY.
3. Поскольку для отрицательных значений x функция y=x3y=x3 имеет противоположные значения, то график функции симметричен относительно начала координат.
Теперь отметим точки на координатной плоскости и построим график (см. рис. 1).

Эта кривая называется кубической параболой.
I. На небольшом корабле полностью закончилась пресная вода. Необходимо привезти достаточное количество воды из города. Вода заказывается заранее и оплачивается за полный куб, даже если залить её чуть меньше. Сколько кубов надо заказать, что бы не переплачивать за лишний куб и полностью заполнить цистерну? Известно, что цистерна имеет одинаковые длину, ширину и высоту, которые равны 1,5 м. Решим эту задачу, не выполняя вычислений.
1. Построим график функции y=x3y=x3.
2. Найдем точку А, координата x, которой равна 1,5. Мы видим, что координата функции находится между значениями 3 и 4 (см. рис. 2). Значит надо заказать 4 куба.

II. Построить график функции y=x3+1y=x3+1.
1. Составим таблицу значений:

2. Построим точки. Мы видим, что эти точки симметричны относительно точки с координатами (0,1). В итоге получаем кубическую параболу, смещенную вверх по оси OY (см. рис. 3).
