Если нужно найти периметр прямоугольника, решение будет таково: Известен катет треугольника и то что гипотенуза больше на 3 см другого катета. По теореме Пифагора можем найти и гипотенузу и катет. A^2+B^2=C^2 9^2+X^2= (X+3)^2 - здесь Х это неизвестный катет. 81+Х^2= X^2+6X+9 - Открыли скобки по известной формуле бинома . Переносим нужные члены и получаем: 81-9-6Х=Х^2-X^2=0 72-6x=0 72=6x x=12 Получили что катет равняется 12, а гипотенуза 12+3=15 Ищем периметр прямоугольника: 2(9+12)=18+24=42
Подробнее – на Otvet.Ws – https://otvet.ws/questions/9573791-pozhaluista-srochno-nadooo-odin-iz-katetov-pryamougolnogo.html
Unit 4 Eating Out
Match the words in A with its explanation in B
1.a quality a) no good
2. abundant b) large quantities
3. customary c) to add to a dish to make it look
4. distinctive d) how good or bad something is
5. to garnish e) quickly
6.interior f) usual
7. inferior g) inside of building
8. relatively h) usual
9. rapidly i)comparatively
II. Complete the sentences with the above words:
1. design is the art of planning the decoration of the inside a house or an
4. These shoes are f good .
5. She made progess and was soon the best in the class.
6. thedi with parsley and serve!
7. We look a supply of food with us when we went hiking in the
8. He’s a good tennis player.
9. This sauce has a very taste.
Объяснение: Unit 4 Eating Out
Match the words in A with its explanation in B
1.a quality a) no good
2. abundant b) large quantities
3. customary c) to add to a dish to make it look
4. distinctive d) how good or bad something is
5. to garnish e) quickly
6.interior f) usual
7. inferior g) inside of building
8. relatively h) usual
9. rapidly i)comparatively
II. Complete the sentences with the above words:
1. design is the art of planning the decoration of the inside a house or an
2. It’s to hold the door open for someone who is entering a building
behind you.
3. They were very upset. They had bought goods of quality.
4. These shoes are of good .
5. She made progress and was soon the best in the class.
6. the dish with parsley and serve!
7. We look an supply of food with us when we went hiking in the
8. He’s a good tennis player.
9. This sauce has a very taste.