Решение системы неравенств х∈(0,8, 1).
Приравняем первое неравенство к нулю и решим как квадратное уравнение:
Начертим СХЕМУ параболы (не нужно ничего вычислять), которую выражает данное уравнение. Ветви направлены вверх, пересекает ось Ох в двух точках, х=0,8 и х=1. Интервал решений неравенства, при которых у<0 (уравнение функции) находится от 0,8 до 1.
Решение первого неравенства х∈(0,8, 1)
Неравенство строгое, скобки круглые.
Решим второе неравенство:
2x>= -3
x>= -3/2
x>= -1,5
Решение второго неравенства х∈[-1,5, +∞)
Неравенство нестрогое, поэтому скобка квадратная (у знака бесконечности всегда круглая).
Теперь на числовой оси нужно отметить решение первого и решение второго неравенства, чтобы найти пересечение решений, то есть, такое решение, которое подходит и первому и второму неравенству.
Пересечение решений х∈(0,8, 1).
Это и есть решение системы неравенств.
Hello, my dear friend! How is your day going? We both have birthday on the 13th of August, im still shocked and confused how can it be, but how have your birthday passed?
I'm going to write you about mine, it was wonderful!
We have been in a "golden-universe" restaurant, It is the most expensive and elite restaurant in our country.
Visiting something that high-level spot was incredible, it's something far away from your dreams!
First thing we have faced with, entering the restaurant was that there was no sounds, no loud children but only quiet, sophisticated and delicate music.
Then, the restaurant clerk came towards us, his suit was the most beatiful one i have ever seen in my life. He was wearing in crystally-white and ironed shirt, dark-black pants, rose-red vest and factory new black shoes.
He led us right to the table and gave us menu's of dishes.
The menu was divided into two phases plus one as an add - first meal, second meal and then, the dessert.
So, we ordered Fish with White Asparagus Ryugin, roasted Lobster, pepperoni pizza, and mexican tacos, it was cost in total of only 20 pounds.
Food was delivered in less than 15 minutes! Whereas they had told us, that it would have been prepared in half an hour.
Each meal tasted unforgettably, it was my best birthday party in my life.
I liked everything in there, the food, silence, peace, caring clerks, bright and pacific atmosphere.
I recommend you to visit this place just once in your time, this experience will be unforgettable!
Sincerely, your best friend.
1) при a+1=0; a=-1 уравнение обращается в линейное:
2) при D>0 и a≠-1 имеет 2 различных корня
3) при D=0 и a≠-1 имеет 2 совпадающих корня:
4) при D<0 и a≠-1 не имеет корней
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