Sport plays a big role in our life. Many people do sport in our country. They want to stay healthy. Sport is a good mean of struggling with stress.
In my opinion sport is important for healthy free time. Sport also makes people strong and prepares a lot of joy.
Some people participate in sports, others prefer watching them on TV. It is known that walking for an hour is healthier than irregular participation in any active physical activities. To keep fit some people join special classes or take part in aerobics or yoga, do some kind of training in a gym. Others play football, badminton, volleyball, tennis.
Рада если
I like reading about mythology, vampires, and adventures.
I prefer fantasy and fiction books, I am not a big fan of nonfiction ones.
My favourite book is 1984 written by George Orwell. The genres of the book are - Utopian and Dystopian Fiction, Political fiction, and social fantasy, and sci-fi. I like that this book is legendary, and one of the best dystopian books ever written, the only other dystopian book that I think comes near this one is The Giver by Luis Lowry. The novel is great because it's written in 1949 about what would happen in the future, and it is also kind of a cautionary, the same as The Giver.
We should read books, because they help us understand the world better, and make it a better place.
Сори, я фэнтези не читаю а эта книга из которых я знаю ближе всего к фэнтези, если скажешь какую книгу я тебе напишу