please join us to celebrate the graduation of philip taylor from leeds university. friday, june 12th at 8.00 pm drinks, dinner & dessert on broad street , birmington, b12hq. david and shelley taylor.
Tags questions состоят из одного из вс глаголов (be, do или have) или основного глагола be, а иногда из модального глагола (can, should). С глаголом обязательно употребляется подлежащее, которое чаще всего выражено местоимением.
Глагол в главной части предложения определяет, каким будет глагол в tag question. Если он положительный в первой части, то будет отрицательным во второй и наоборот.
From early childhood, we learn about the world of books read by adults. After reading the book, we begin to learn more and more new and interesting. But in some cases the works are featured in the books happen in life . These stories do not always win rich and wise . I love to read . My favorite books - it's detectives , tales , horror and historical adventure. In these stories , most cases have occurred in real life. After reading the book , I begin to think more and think , get great pleasure , learn a lot of useful and interesting . And how much can be situations where it may help wise advice from the book . In summer, when the weather was good , we played with the girls in the garden. Eugene offered to make a tent . I expressed my idea , remembering the description of the hut of the story. The girls loved it. When we finished , we've got a very nice and big tent . I try to read wherever may be. Books taught me wisdom, logic, thinking in different directions , knowledge and ability to see the goal and find the necessary means to achieve it . Some scientists and educators believed that without books is not possible to do in life. And Hydro educator thought : "Man stops thinking when it ceases to read." I could not agree more . Here is why you should strive to communicate with smart books, listen to their words , to learn from them and himself become wiser .
1. isn't he
2. wasn't it
3. doesn't she
4. can you
5. don't they
6. aren't you
7. doesn't she
8.did you
9. isn't she
10. don't they
11. does he
12. aren't there
13. aren't I
14. doesn't he
15. is this
16. doesn't she
17. does he
18. did they
19. weren't there
20. didn't they
21. have you
22. do you
23. hasn't he
24. did he
25. doesn't he
26. isn't it
27. hasn't he
28. does it
29. can they
30. is it
Tags questions состоят из одного из вс глаголов (be, do или have) или основного глагола be, а иногда из модального глагола (can, should). С глаголом обязательно употребляется подлежащее, которое чаще всего выражено местоимением.
Глагол в главной части предложения определяет, каким будет глагол в tag question. Если он положительный в первой части, то будет отрицательным во второй и наоборот.