Every country has its main city — the capital. Usually it’s the biggest and the most economically and culturally developed city. That’s where government is locatedMoscow has been the capital of Russia for more than 300 years and it was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. This city is definitely just like I described it above.There is 12,5 million people in the biggest city in Russia. All Russian authorities, foreign embassies and head quarters of various social organizations are located here.Moscow is a business center of our country. There are a lot of commercial facilities over here and there is the whole business area called «Moscow city» in Presnenskaya naberezhnaya.
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I spend a lot of time at school. This place is like my second home. I think that school years are one of the most important parts of our lives. It’s the time when we get major knowledge on different subjects, certain skills and experience for living in the society. This year I’m going to finish my native school number 11 and it makes me a bit sad. However, while I’m still here, I’d like to tell you a little bit about this school.
Я провожу много времени в школе. Это место, как мой второй дом. Я думаю, что школьные годы – это одна из самых важных частей нашей жизни. Это время, когда мы получаем основные знания по различным предметам, определенные навыки и опыт для жизни в обществе. В этом году я оканчиваю свою родную школу № 11, и это меня немного расстраивает. Тем не менее, пока я еще здесь, я хотел бы рассказать вам немного об этой школе.
is raining
doesn't snow
it will rain
doesn't shine
does the sun rise
is having
got, switched, went, washed, took, dried
was, moved, remember
are you thinking
do you think
is smiling
do you usually celebrate
are celebrating