Present simple
Always,often,seldom,every day,usually,sometimes,once a week,every summer,at weekend,from timebto time,every September,on Mondays
Past simple
Yesterday,2days ago,last year,the day before yesterday,the other day,in May,in 2003,on Monday
Future simple
Tomorrow,next week,soon,in 2days,the day after tomorrow,someday
Present continuous
Now,at the moment,at this time,this week
Past continuous
Yesterday at 5 o'clock
Yesterday when she came
While, this time last year,from 5 a..m. to 5p.m.
Future continuous
Tomorrow at 5 o'clock
Tomorrow at this time
This time next week
Present Perfect
Ever,never,since 2007,lately,for 2years,just,yet,already,recently,sofar=upto now
Past Perfect
By the time he come
Yesterday by that time
Future Perfect
Tomorrow by 5 o'clock
Tomorrow by this time
By the end of this week
Present Perfect continuous
Since 2003,for 3 years.How long?
I love watching nikateve on it are always interesting movies or cartoon serialy.on I really like it because I watch it not only one but with roditelimi.ya most love to see him after school because it is my favorite all serial.ya porkomendovalby this is a very wonderful TV I like him more than all the others! перевод я люблю смотреть никатеве по нему всегда идут интересные фильмы или мульт сериалы.он мне очень нравиться потому что я его смотрю не только один но и с родителими.я больше всего его люблю посмотреть после школы потому что там идёт мой любимый сериал.я поркомендовалбы всем этот очень замечательный телеканал он мне нравится больше всех других!