An ancient Greek legend, the uninvited wedding goddess of discord and strife Eris threw a wedding table a golden apple, on which was written a single word - "The Most Beautiful". Were on Olympus Hera, Athena and Aphrodite arguing who should own this apple. Each of them was rightfully deserves to own an apple, and even Zeus refused to be their judge. He took the apple, gave it to Hermes and told to withdraw goddesses in the neighborhood of Troy, Mount Olympus, where they had to decide the dispute son of King Priam of Troy, Paris. Hera promised PARIS power over the whole of Asia, Athena - the glory and victory, and Aphrodite promised him in marriage Elenu.Uslyhav wonderful promise of Aphrodite, Paris gave the apple of Paris ey.Afrodita helped kidnap Helen, wife of Spartan King Menelaus, which later was the cause of the Trojan War .
There are many animals in the world: elephants, dogs ,cats. But my favorite animal is turtle. That little and green creature is very nice and shy animal. Turtels loves salat leaves , fruits or vegetables. But their favorite food is green apple and selery. I love turtles because they are slowly and shy. When there is danger , they are hiding in theire little houses wich they have on them selves. So, now i know that my favorite animal is green turtle. На свете очень много животных: слоны , собаки , кошки. Но мое любимое животное -это черепаха. Это маленькое, зеленое создание очень милые и застеньчевые животные. Черепахи любят салатные листья , фрукты и овощи , но их любимая еда - это зеленое яблоко и сельдерей. Я люблю черепах потому- что они медлительные и скромные животные. Когда они попадают в опасность, они прячуться в домик , который носят у себя на спине. Так что теперь вы знаете что мое любимое животное - это зеленая черепаха.
An ancient Greek legend, the uninvited wedding goddess of discord and strife Eris threw a wedding table a golden apple, on which was written a single word - "The Most Beautiful". Were on Olympus Hera, Athena and Aphrodite arguing who should own this apple. Each of them was rightfully deserves to own an apple, and even Zeus refused to be their judge. He took the apple, gave it to Hermes and told to withdraw goddesses in the neighborhood of Troy, Mount Olympus, where they had to decide the dispute son of King Priam of Troy, Paris. Hera promised PARIS power over the whole of Asia, Athena - the glory and victory, and Aphrodite promised him in marriage Elenu.Uslyhav wonderful promise of Aphrodite, Paris gave the apple of Paris ey.Afrodita helped kidnap Helen, wife of Spartan King Menelaus, which later was the cause of the Trojan War .