2. If he didn't lose his job, he would not have been unemployed. 3. If his pet didn't die he would have been happy. 4. If she had a mobile phone, she would have been contacted . 5. If Tom saw the boss he would not have waited for him( или he would not have been waiting for him). 6. If he wasn't allergic to seafood he would have eaten paella. 7. If I didn't lose my map I would not have asked for direstions. 8. If she spoke French she would have had a good time in Paris. 9. If he didn't lose his case he would not have been unhappy. 10. If she went to the abnk she would have got money. 11. If they didn't go to the party they would not have been tired. 12. If I didn't crash the car I would not have taken the bus.
dear Chester Bennington
I'm writting this letter because I really love your music, I think thats you're a king of alternative rock.
your songs make me feel happy. your voice is so great, I wish you'll always sing this beautiful music which make my heart tremble. when I have some troubles I just can turn on your music and relax, it always helps me to overcome obstacles in my life.
my favourite song of your band is тут вставляешь название своей любимое песни. it linked with the best moments in my life, I always smile when I'm listening to this song.
thank you so much for your wonderful music! you are the beat band that I know.
with love
и тут твое имя.
мои дедушка и бабушка родились в тяжёлое послевоенное время. жилось тогда людям в нашей стране трудно. детство деда прошло на юге: в селе запорожской области, детство бабушки – на севере: в берёзовском районе тюменской области. дедушка и бабушка встретились и поженились, когда деда – молоденького выпускника лётного училища – распределили на работу в
поставь как наилучший