Peek was a man with a mental disability who COULDN'T do many simple things such as dressing himself, but could remember enormous amounts of information. Peek didn't MANAGE to walk until he was four, but from the age of 16-20 months, he was able to REMEMBER large amounts of information. As a teenager, he memorised whole books. In later life, he WAS able to read a book in one hour and he remembered approximately 98.7 percent of everything he read. He COULD recite the content of around 12,000 books about history, geography sports, and many other subjects.He was also able TO remember thousands of different pieces of music, though he WASN'T able to play them all because of his physical disability. Kim travelled with his father all over the US and Canada, speaking about how he MANAGED to live a full life even though he was disabled. He died in 2009.
1. The plant is reported to have achieved a steep rise in output. 2. Scientific discoveries to be practically applied in agriculture are paid special attention to. 3. The female sheep is known to be called a ewe. 4. The device is known to operate well in field conditions. В объектном инфинитивном обороте глагол-сказуемое стоит в активном залоге(предмет сам совершает действие) В субъектном инфинитивном обороте глагол-сказуемое стоит в пассивном залоге (над предметом совершается действие) Соответствую придаточным предложениям-значит на русский язык будут переводиться таким же образом, как и придаточные предложения, и в предложении выполняют похожую функцию