Dear Anna
In your last letter you asked me to tell you about my pets. OK, I can talk for hours on this topic. I have a dog; his name is La boule. That’s a French word which means a ball. He is a pug and he is very funny. I also have a hamster. His name is Masha. Not a usual name for a hamster, you say, but he is very curious and smart enough. I would also like to have a cat, but perhaps not now.
I’m fine, no changes since the last time. I’m passing my exams next week. After that, I’m looking forward to going abroad. I like traveling a lot. I’ve visited just a few European countries but I fell in love with the Old world. My dream is to go to Paris. This is the city of love, croissants and haut-couture. I think every person should see it and not necessarily die after it!
You told me that you had been to many countries. Tell me about your greatest trip! Have you been to Paris, did you like it? What are you going to do this summer? Where would you like to go?
I’m so happy that your sister married! Wish her and her husband a very good luck! Hope the wedding was as gorgeous as the bride was!
Could you send me some photos?
Sorry, I have to go, my parents are leaving on holidays, I need to see them off.
Waiting for your letter,
Yours truly,
ответ:Вариантов ответа я там не нашел, могу лишь сказать, что в 1-ом глагол в PRESENT SIMPLE, во-втором тоже, а в третьем PAST SIMPLE. Что касается второй фотографии,там 1-WAS,2-WERE,3-Честно говоря,не очень понятно,так как нет слова,указывающего на время. Тут и ARE и WERE идет. На третьей фотке- 1-DID NOT GO,2-DID NOT EAT,3-WAS NOT (я использовал полные формы, а если короткие, то будет didn`t go, didn`t eat, wasn`t соответственно). P.S. как платформа называется, где ты эти задания делаешь?
1) Yes, she is.
2) Yes, you are.
3) Yes, it is.
4) Yes, they are.
5) No, he isn't.
6) No, we aren't.