how’s it going? i’m studying hard, but i need a break. we could meet tomorrow night for dinner. i 1 (call) you when i 2 (finish) class tomorrow, ok?
love, corinne
’ll call
time: 11: 07
sender: elena
subject: re: final exams!
hi corinne,
i’m studying too. my first exam is tomorrow afternoon. i’m really worried about it. ok for tomorrow night, but not too early. i 3 (text) you when the exam 4 (finish).
love, elena
time: 11: 08
sender: corinne subject: re: final exams!
ok. 5 (come) to my place as soon as you 6 (can). we can order a take-out pizza or something.
time: 11: 09
sender: elena
subject: re: final exams!
ok, but 7 (not call) until i 8 (get) there. i might be late. i’ve been thinking, if you
9 (be) free when all our exams 10 (be) over in june, why don’t we go away for a few days?
time: 11: 10
sender: corinne subject: re: final exams!
great idea! but i 11 (not be able to) go away unless i 12 (pass) all the exams! we can talk about it when we 13 (meet) here tomorrow night.
time: 11: 11
sender: elena
subject: re: final exams!
ok. time to go back to work. if i 14 (not study) a little more tonight, i 15 (not have) any chance of passing biology tomorrow. see you tomorrow, and wish me luck!
I have to help with the cooking. I have to make the bed. I have to tidy my room. I have to wash the dishes./I have to feed the dog (cat/hamster/parrot). I have to take the dog for a walk./ Если нет домашних животных, предложения в скобках /.../ можно упустить.
I don't have with the shopping. I don't have to go to the supermarket. I don't have to take the rubbish out. I don't have to weed the garden.
Я должна (должен) делать дома много работы:
Я должна готовить. Я должна застилать кровать. Я должна убирать свою комнату. Я должна мыть посуду. /Я должна кормить собаку (кошку/хомяка/попугая). Я должна водить собаку на прогулку./
У не должна совершать покупки. Мне не нужно ходить в супермаркет. Я не должна выносить мусор. Я не должна полоть огород.