She almost screamed — her smartphone was missing! Jane tried not to panic, although it was very difficult to stay calm and think clearly. She had all the important notes and contacts in her phone. All Jane could remember now was putting her phone into her bag before the plane landed.
Right at this moment Jane felt someone touch her shoulder. She turned around and saw the man who had been sitting next to her on the plane.
"I believe it's yours," he said while giving Jane her smartphone.
"Oh, it is! It is mine! Thank you so much!" she was super excited to see her phone.
As it turned out, the man found her phone in her seat after she had left the plane.
So after all Jane's trip was successful.
Прокатитесь на Круизе из Джунглей, исследуйте крошечные миры, покатайтесь на водных горках на Сплаш Моунтэйне и поешьте домашнюю еду в Кухоньке бабушке Сары
Прежде чем вернуться в реальность убедитесь что вы:
-Поздоровались за руки со своими любимыми мультипликационными персонажами
-исследовали дом с приведениями и увидели призраков
-вы летали с питером пеном на пиратском корабле по ночному небу
- вы ездили на Тунтаунской амереканской горке
- вы отправились в путешествие на ракете в Старджете
долго писала, признай лучшим