мертвый-лес был сухой и черный,он словно мертвый,в нем не было ни единого зеленого деревца
the forest was dry and black, he seemed dead, it was not a single green tree.
скучать- мне никода не приходится подолгу скучать,потому что всегда найдется интересное занятие
I've never had a long time to get bored, because there is always an interesting exercise
конверт- мне прислали письмо в очень красивом конверте
I received a letter in a very nice envelope
бразильский- мне очень нравится бразильский кофе
I really like the Brazilian coffee
Last summer my brothers and I were on holidays in my grandparents' village. We like being at their place, because we don't need to go to school in summer. There is a river in the village and it's a great pleasure to swim there! We had a lot of different situations during our holiday. Some of them were funny, and some of them were not.
Today I want to tell you about one of these situations.
We always find new friends on our holidays at our grandparents' place as there are a lot of kids in the village in summer. Once, the boy named Yura, who was our neighbour, called us out to have fun in the river. After we got the permission, we immediately went directly there.
When we finally arrived, we noticed some elder boys who were making a bungee. We got interested in it and asked for permission to become members of their company. They gladly allowed us to join them.
1) A dictation will be written the next lesson
2) A delicious cake was cooked by my mother yesterday
3) Mysterious stories are always told us by his uncle
4) A lot of beautiful flowers are grown by our granny in her garden
5) This new book will be read the next week
6) The dogs are always fed by Fred in the afternoon
7) Nice pictures were drawn by children in the Art lesson a week ago