1)I live in a flat (еслquestions,
Do you live in a house or flat?
If you live in a flat, what floor is it on?
If you live in a house, do you have a garden?
Do you have your own garage?
Would you describe your house/ flat as dark or light?
Does the house/ flat belong to you (or to your family), or
do you rent it?
Do you have central heating?
Are you happy at your home?
Do you always feel comfortable at home?
Isи в доме напишите house вместо flat)
2)если вы живёте в доме тогда отвечайте на этот вопрос если в квартире то нет
Yes I have если нету у вас огорода тогда no I don't have
3)если ли у вас гараж если есть yes we have
если нет то no We don't have
4) дом или квартира принадлежит вам или вашей семье или вы её снимайте
если квартира принадлежит вам то пишите The flat / house belong to me, если квартира принадлежит вашей семьеThe flat / house belong to my family, если вы её снимаете I rant it
5) у вас есть центральное отопление если есть то Yes we have a central heating если нет тоno we don't have a central heating
6) вы довольны своим домом или квартирой
если да то yes I happy at my home
если нет I don't happy at my home
7) вам всегда комфортно дома
если да yes i always feel comfortable at home
если нет no I don't always feel comfortable at home
8) ваш дом для вас замок также на этот вопрос ответить да или нет
9) вы когда-нибудь испытывали тоску по дому так знают вопрос ответьте да или нет если да то yes I ever felt homesickness если нет то no I don't...
пропустила пропустила один вопрос нечаяйнно
Would you describe your house/ flat as dark or light?
ваш дом или квартира тёмное или светлое ответьте так как если она у вас темная если она у вас темная I would describe my house are flat dark если светлая I would describe my house or flat light
надеюсь правильно
Thirdly, literature is a journey not only in time, but also in space. The works under study make it possible to transfer from the forests of the Russian hinterland to ancient cities, from the semi-fairy Little Russia "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" by Gogol to the melancholic, gray, oppressive Petersburg "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky. Literature lessons are the best excursions we do without leaving the classroom. Fourthly, literature is acquaintance not only with times and places and their customs, but also acquaintance with individuals. It is clear that their lives were strikingly different from ours today. Nevertheless, the eternal problems of mankind, which the classic authors raise in their works, are therefore called "eternal", which retain their relevance to this day. I turn to literature for advice, for answers to questions of concern to me - and if I cannot figure out the answer on my own, I resort to the help of a sympathetic teacher who always explains especially difficult passages for me, gives keys to unraveling the most complex and stubborn human characters. So, literature is my favorite school subject. This is an opportunity to know yourself, to organize your thoughts, to build a system of perception of the world, space, time; look deep into the human soul and find answers to exciting questions.