мне .я его не знаю
1) Would you like some coffee?
-yes, I would/no, I wouldn't
2) Can you swim?
-yes, I can/no, I can't
3) Is Peter your son?
-yes, he is/no, he isn't
4) What is your phone number?
-my phone number is 000-00-00
5) Can you spell that please?
-yes, I can/no, I can't
6) How can I help you?
-you can bring me that plate
7) Where can I buy that sweater?
-you can buy it in that shop
8) When is your birthday?
-my birthday is on the (число) of (месяц)
9) Am I German?
-yes, I am/no, I am not
10) Where is London?
-London is in the Great Britain
11) How old are your daughters?
-they are 10 and 12 years old
12) What is your grandmother nationality?
-she is German
13) Can your brother ride a bike
-yes, he can/no, he can't
14) Is Paris in Germany?
-no, it isn't
15) Can birds fly?
-yes, it can
Скорее всего, Вам сказали ответить кратко на общие вопросы (на которые, в общем-то, по-другому и не ответишь. (либо да, либо нет), а полные ответы дать на специальные вопросы (4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12)
Я написала на общие вопросы оба ответа (да, нет). Можете выбирать
я его не знаю.