Clothes and accessories
1. you wear these when it is
3. you might need this if it is
4. you keep your money in this.
6. you wear this at school.
7. you put these on your hands
when it is cold.
1. you wear this down the beach.
2. you wear this on your wrist.
5. you put these on your ears.
8. you keep things in this.
9. you wear these on your feet.
нужно отгадать слова. ответьте !
-When did they leave?I do not know. I wasn't home.
He returned day before yesterday right?
The door knocked again. They are not answered soon stopped and the sound.
It was a memorable evening.
He put the book on the table turned off the light and left the room.
Her family last year moved to London.
He did well on the test the teacher praised him.
-Why didnt you come yesterday to the phone called you? You werent home?
-I was at home. Apparently, that was not a phone.
-When Danny went to London?The day before yesterday. I conducted it. He didnt want to leave and looked very upset.
Kate breathed a sigh of relief. This horrible day is finally over! She turned off the computer once again looked around the room flicked a switch and locked the door.The letter came yesterday right? Who brought it? Why dont You gave it to me immediately?
-How did you spend last night?
As usual.
Who departed yesterday from the account and closed the door?
- Why yesterday You still talked to him?
Sorry I felt bad. I don't remember what I was saying.
Yesterday I went to the library. The dictionary I wanted to take but the library was unfortunately closed. I came in late.