Basketball is one of the favorite sport of many peope. Playing basketball, first you need to learn some tasks. There are rules to play basketball. The ball needs to be bounced everytime you run and before throwing it in the basket you should bounce 3 times and also step forward 3 times. All this tricks are used even by the professional basketbal playes. Each team should have a captain. The captain should lead others wisely not shouting or pushing with the ball. Each team gets points the amount they got it inside. Legs shouldn't be used in this game. While playing basketball you should pass each other the ball instead of running around alone. Basketball is fun game to play as a sport, team or maybe in a tournament .
1)Every evening I help mother to cook supper. 2)Tomorrow I will help my mother to clean our flat. 3)My mother is a teacher,and sometimes I help her with tests. 4)We meet my sister with mother after school. 5)I always go to the supermarket with my mother to help her. 6)When my mother doesn't know what film to watch,I always show her my favourte films. 7)When my mother catches a cold,I always help her. 8)When we go to the summer-house,I help my mother with her little garden. Простите,всё на что фантазии хватило))
Cats are cutes animals.
They are pretties women.
вроде как то так
не совсем уверен