The baba-yaga is one of the most negative estimates of character and an external image of the woman. And one of the annoying. Actually, if to deal with deep sense of such phenomenon as the Baba-yaga, our attitude towards her can change in a certain measure. "According to the Russian Tradition, the image of the Baba-yaga is connected with legends about transition of the hero to the other world (A fairy kingdom). In these legends the Woman - Yaga standing on border of the worlds, serves as the conductor allowing the hero to get into the world dead" * (to kill Zmey Gorynych or to ruin Koschei the Immortal to return (to release) the bride (country), thanks to commission of certain rituals.
A good painter needn't give his picture a title, but a bad painter mustn't. You must take the good with the bad. You needn't have 100 roubles but you need to have 100 friends. You must make the most of the chances you get. Good men may die but death cannot kill their names. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. You don't have to be a weather man to know which way the wind blows. You must learn to walk before you can run. If you are lazy now, you will have to work harder later.
1. Виборг русский или финский город
2.почему Крис считает, что архитектура в Виборге имеет четкий, но единый стиль
3 Что Крис считает, что архитектура в Выборге имеет четкий, но единый стиль
4. Почему Крису не понравились здания
5.Почему Крис не чувствует что он в росии
6.Что делает Криса грустным(несчастным)
7. "Белая ночь " что это