… live in the country, but now we live in a big city. 3. … you … to like swimming? 4. She … never let me come back home late in the evening. 5. I … to … toy cars, but now I don't. V. Correct whatever is wrong in the following. 1. I use to like drawing when I were a child. 2. What was you did yesterday at 9 p.m.? 3. Who do you look at? I look to that girl. 4. I didn't saw them yesterday evening, they were not home. Did you saw them? 5. Does he has some English books at his house? 6. He didn't obeyed their advices. VI. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence. 1. Our visit to the museum was enjoyable although / despite some of its sections were closed. 2. He's good looking, but on the other hand / although he's very selfish. 3. He really liked the film. However / even though he couldn't afford to buy the video. VII. Translate the following sentences into English.
Однажды я и мои родители купили дачу. дача еще была не обустроена, но мы принялись за дело. по ходу действий я подружился с некоторыми соседями, но вскоре с из соседней аллеи. мы хорошо провели время. ходили на , по грибы и ягоды, так же просто гуляли, объщаясь на разные темы. как-то раз мы пошли на нашу речку. день был солнечным. я получил солнечный удар и меня отправили в больницу. ко мне приходили все "дачные" друзья. вскоре настал сентябрь и мы уехали. теперь я буду каждое лето ездить на дачу, надеясь увидеть своих друзей.