2)я наслаждаюсь чтением книг и написанием сочинений
вопрос-what do you enjoy перевод-чем ты наслаждаешься
3)у нас 3 урока английского в неделю
вопрос-how many english classes do you have a week?перевод- сколько уроков английского у вас в неделю
4)урок истории начинается в 9.50
вопрос-what time does your history lesson start?перевод-во сколько у вас начинается урок истории
5)у нас физ-ра по понедельникам и пятницам
вопрос when do you have pe classes перев когда у тебя физра
6)мне нравится урок биологии, потому что биология всегда разнообразная и увлекательная
вопрос why do you like lessons of biology перев почему тебе нрав уроки биологии
7)мне нравится наш учитель украинского языка, потому что он умный и осторожный
вопрос why do you like your teacher of Ukrainian ?
перев почему тебе нрав твой учитель пр украинскому языку
I would choose the seaside as the ideal place for a vocation, because firstly it locatet far from city, then there are'nt hustle and bustle, crowded streets, car horns beeping whether hurrying passers by. I think almost everybody likely wont to go there, so the icy
cold air blew around the coast, crystol- clear water fresh scent of pines' so with it is treatmented
allergic disease. Another widely it is very useful for the human body to swimming salty sea water then lie down burning sand. In my opinion as you go there might sea swaying, palm sea, a various sea and wild animals, shrill eries of tropical birds. If we all choose there, I believe to enjoy on holiday.
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the
Past Perfect tense form.
1. After ten people had eaten that chicken they all fell ill. 2. We didn't stop until we had finished our home assignment. 3. Two men delivered a sofa which I had already paid for. 4. 1 gave the book to my friend after I had read it. 5. Jane signed the letter which she had typed herself on her word processor. 6. 1 pulled out into the road after I had looked both ways. 7. We handed the forms in after we had completed them. 8. When the pupils had done the experiment, they wrote a report on it. 9. We had put out the fire already when at last the firefighters arrived. 10. They went out after their mother had come home from work.
Надо разобраться, какое действие было сначала, а какое за ним последовало. То, которое было первым, обозначается Past Perfect, которое имело место за ним - Past Simple.