Put the correct relative, who, which, whose, where, that.
1. i met a speak six languages.
2. where is the hanging on the wall?
3. a plane is a .
4. emma lives in a 500 years old.
5. the is carrying is very heavy.
6. the injured is now in hospital.
7. the had dinner was near the airport.
8. what's the name of the you borrowed?
9. i met i went to school with.
10. a widow is a is dead.
11. where is the i bought yesterday
12. i recently went back to the town.. i grew up.
13. this is the robbed yesterday.
14. a was in my class was in the bank at that time.
When was it raining heavily?
How was it raining yesterday?
2Does he always meet his girlfriend or his teacher after school?
Who did he always meet after school?
When does he always meet his girlfriend?
3Who was asked a very difficult question at the lesson?
What question was Ann asked at the lesson?
Where was Ann asked a very difficult question?
4George is waiting for Mary at the station,isn't he?
Who is George waiting for at the station?
Where is George waiting for Mary?
5Garry will visit his granny tomorrow,won't he?
Will Gary visit his granny or his dad tomorrow?
When will Gary visit his granny?
6The telephone is broken,isn't it?
Is the telephone or the radio broken?
What is broken?