1. Firearms were sold only in special shops. (Past Indefinite Passive).
Firearms will be sold only in special shops. (Futuer Indefinite Passive).
2. Last year hundreds of people were robbed in the streets.(Past Indefinite Passive).
Next year hundreds of people will be robbed in the streets.(Futuer Indefinite Passive).
3. What questions were discussed at the meeting?(Past Indefinite Passive).
What questions will be discussed at the meeting?(Futuer Indefinite Passive).
4. This employee was asked to take documents to the law enforcement agency.(Past Indefinite Passive).
This employee will be asked to take documents to the law enforcement agency.(Futuer Indefinite Passive).
5. The Militia day was celebrated on November, 10.(Past Indefinite Passive).
The Militia day will be celebrated on November, 10.(Futuer Indefinite Passive).
6.5. Choose the right tense of the verb in Active or Passive Voice.
1. He was involved into organized crime.
2. The forensic expertise threatened to go on strike.
3. The evidence was found by the investigator.
4. The document was taken for consideration.
5. The President dismissed the Russian Government.
6. They made the right decision.
7. He was tried on charge for larceny.
8. The jury listened to materials of the case and reached a verdict.
9. The crime scene (to search)and every evidence (to collect) .
1. Firearms were sold/will be sold only in special shops.
2. Last/Next year hundreds of people were/will be robbed in the streets.
3. What questions were/ will be discussed at the meeting?
4. This employee was/will be asked to take documents to the law enforcement agency.
5. The Militia day was/will be celebrated on November, 10.
6.5. Choose the right tense of the verb in Active or Passive Voice.
1. He was involved into organized crime.
2. The forensic expertise was threatened to go on strike.
3. The evidence was found by the investigator.
4. The document was taken for consideration.
5. The President dismissed the Russian Government.
6. They made the right decision.
7. He tried on charge for larceny.
8. The jury listened to materials of the case and reached a verdict.
9. The crime scene was searched and every evidence was collected. .
Учитель: Давайте поговорим о механизме передачи. Какие основные узлы входит в комплект поставки?
Ученик: Трансмиссия - это весь механизм между двигателем и задними колесами. Он включает в себя сцепление, коробку передач, карданный вал, задний мост, главную передачу и дифференциал.
Т.: Что соединяет сцепление?
С .: Муфта соединяет двигатель с коробкой передач.
Т.: А что делает коробка передач?
С .: Коробка передач меняет скорость автомобиля.
Т.: Что позволяет дифференциал?
S.: Дифференциал позволяет приводным колесам двигаться на разных скоростях при повороте автомобиля.
Т .: Для каких целей используется система рулевого управления?
S .: Система рулевого управления используется для изменения направления
движение машины.
Т .: А какова функция тормозов?
S .: Тормоза используются для замедления или остановки автомобиля.
Т .: Верно. Вы очень хорошо знаете предмет.