1. Двері, закріплені на болтах із внутрішньої сторони, неможливо відкрити.
2. Показавши неправильний напрямок, мандрівники незабаром заблукали.
3. Кімната з видом на сад набагато зручніша за цю.
4. Спустившись з гори, вони почули чоловіка, який кликав на до
5. Розчервонілий і схвильований, хлопчик прибіг до матері.
6. Він стояв гаючи за людьми, які йшли вулицею з криками і
махають руками.
7. Хлопчик лежав спати, коли прийшов лікар.
8. Перелом руки обстежив лікар.
9. Під час огляду хлопець не міг стримати плач.
10. Виписавши ліки, лікар пішов.
11. Ліки, призначені лікарем, були гіркими.
12. Сукня, придбана в універмазі, була дуже красивою.
13. Під час використання голки слід бути обережним, щоб не вколоти палець.
14. Переходячи вулицю, спочатку слід дивитись ліворуч, а потім праворуч.
1. Do you think that food defines a culture?If so, how?
Food is a part of culture because
1. Food resources quantity as few things are available abundantly and few are rare .
2. Following the recipes from long long ago .
3. Based on climatic condition, few things grow in respective area .
4. People used to wander a lot olden days and get settle at some place and those people food becomes habituate in further coming days in that place .
5. Fertility of land, type of land.
2. What are the eating habits in your country?
The average Ukrainian's diet consists of relatively inexpensive and bland staple foods, traditional Ukrainian dishes, fast/junk food, and a few personal idiosyncracies. Low-budget staple foods include: bread, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, porridge, noodles, sunflower oil, vegetables in season, sausages, eggs, sauces, etc.
3. Are there any foods that bring back special memories for you?
Yes, there is many
Paska, Borscht, Varenyky, Holubtsi, Holodets
4. Are there any eating rules in your family?
Yes, when taking a small break in eating, the fork and the knife should balance on the rim of the plate; when receiving a second helping, they should lie parallel on the right side of the plate; and when you've finished your meal, they should lie parallel either across the plate or on a diagonal
ответ:English children go to school at the age of 5. It is the infant school. At the infant school they learn to read, to write and to count.
In Great Britain school begins on the first of September, if the first of September is not Monday. English children have classes five days a week, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They do not have classes on Saturday and on Sunday.
They have holidays three times a year. They have winter holidays for seventeen days, spring holidays — for fifteen days and summer holidays for thirty-four or thirty-five days. In summer their lessons are over in the middle of July. English children are at school from nine o’clock in the morning till half past four in the afternoon. But they have a long break from twelve o’clock till two o’clock.