Standing on the platform of the twenty first century if we allow our eyes to view the landscape all we find is vast buildings of concrete. In place of the green lushness of the jungles we find the morbid world of concrete.
Gone is the pastoral beauty that once adorned this planet. From the railway carriage we can no longer enjoy the greenery, the daffodils fail to bloom, the sky lark, nightingale or the darkling thrush fail to sing the sweet songs of poesy.
The tiger has been robbed of its title of royalty as Man has confiscated its green wild kingdom. The elephants now trumpet on highways as their forests have been cleared off for industries.
The migratory birds no longer can migrate as there is no space of green for them to fly to.
Due to the greed of Man this Earth has been stripped off her apparel of green. She has been reduced to a barren desert of man made jungle. Her climate has changed drastically. Many of her creatures are at the brink of extinction.
At this stage we have to make a change. We have to heal the Earth. We have to unite and sing 'We are the world, we are the children'.
Our motto has to be to plant more trees and save more lives.
We have to do away with some of our luxuries and help build a better tomorrow, a greener tomorrow.
If we sow a seed today we will reap a richness of green tomorrow.
11 What ARE you DOING ? — I AM COPYING the text from the text-book now. 12. WILL he GO (IS HE GOING) to Moscow next week?
13. He HASN'T SMOKED (HASN'T BEEN SMOKING) for a month. He is trying to give it up.
14. When did he arrive? - He arrived at 2.00.
15. Had you switched off the light before you left house?
16. I read these books when I was at school. I liked them very much.
17. I couldn't go out because I didn't finish my work.
18. I told you the answer yesterday.
19. What will you do tomorrow in the evening?
20. I didn't meet him last week.
21. I usually leave home at 7 and get here at 12.
22. Here is you watch. I have just found it.
23. Have you had breaskfast yet?