Chicken Licken is minding his chicken -pecking business one day, when an acorn drops- PLOP! On his head. "Help!" he cheeps. "The sky is falling down! I'd better go and tell the king." And off he scurries. "What's the hurry?" clucks Henny Penny."Oh, Henny Penny!" cheeps Chicken Licken."The sky is falling down! I'm off to tell the king.""That's not funny!" clucks Henny Penny."I'd better come, too." And off they scurry."What's the hurry?" crows Cocky Locky."Oh, Cocky Locky!" cheeps Chicken Licken."The sky is falling down! We're off to tell the king.""What a cock-a-doodle shock!" crows Cocky Locky. "I'd better come, too."So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny and Cocky Locky scurry along to tell the king."What's the hurry? Quack Ducky Lucky and Drakey Lakey. "Oh, Ducky Lucky and Drakey Lakey!" cheeps Chicken Licken. "The sky is falling down! We're off to tell the king." "You look very shaky!" quacks Drakey Lakey. "We'd better come, too."So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky and Drakey Lakey scurry along to tell the king."What's the hurry?" honks Goosey Loosey."Oh, Goosey Loosey!" cheeps Chicken Licken. "The sky is falling down! We're off to tell the king." "Goodness gracious!" gasps Goosey Loosey. "I'd better come, too." And off they scurry. "What's the hurry?" gobbles Turkey Lurkey."Oh, Turkey Lurkey!" cheeps Chicken Licken. "The sky is falling down! We're off to tell the king." "I feel horribly wobbly," gobbles Turkey Lurkey. "I'd better come, too." So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey scurry along to tell the king."What's the hurry?" snaps Foxy Loxy. "Oh, Foxy Loxy!" cheeps Chicken Linken."The sky is falling down! We're off to tell the king.""Aha!" smiles Foxy Loxy. He has a cunning plan. " Follow me, my feathery friends," smiles Foxy Loxy. "I can help you find the king." So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey hurry and scurry behind Foxy Loxy, all the way to the Foxy Loxy Family lair- just in time for dinner. And that was the end of Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey. And the king never did find out that the sky was falling down.
1) мне не нужны. 2) У тебя одно предложение переведено не верно. По тексту - Мы никогда не боимся сдавать тесты или экзамены. 3) у тебя в тексте описывается только одна школа, поэтому ответ на первый вопрос: Caroline studies at boarding school. It is a school for girls agen 11-18. The best thing about boarding is that you are always with your friends. Besides, it is the best way to get a good education. 4) А ответ на второй вопрос - любые предложения из текста Например: The teachers encourage pupils to do their best because they want the girls to succeed in life. The girls can go and see a teacher for help anytime. Pupils study all the compulsory subjects and there are a lot of optional subjects. There are a lot of other interesting activities to take part in The girls go on school trips and do a lot of sports.
We don't go to school on Sunday