1. These children ... (are taken) care of by an experienced nurse. 2. This difficult operation ... (is done) only in this hospital. 3. When was the radio ... (invented)? 4. I hope this book will be (translated) into Russian soon. 5. Now English is (spoken) all over the world. 6. All the questions must be (answered) at once. 7. Tomorrow everything ... (will be prepared) for opening the conference. 8. Tulips are traditionally (grown) in Holland. 9. The new film ... (will be discussed) all over Russia soon. 10. You got that mark because your composition ... (had been written) badly. 11. What is usually ... (made) from milk in your country? 12. It was very dark in the room. Nothing could be (seen). 13. Now computers are (used) in every family. 14. The park gates were (painted) last summer. 15. The major part of the Earth surface is (covered) by water. 16. My camera was (stolen) from my hotel room. 17. A mystery is something that can’t be (explained). 18. The tickets are (sold) in the booking office every day. 19. Two people were (arrested) after the police investigation. 20. The house looks different. It was (painted) last month.
Николай Васильевич Гоголь родился 20 марта (1 апреля) 1809 года в Сорочинцах близ реки Псёл, на границе Полтавского и Миргородского уездов (Полтавская губерния). Николаем его назвали в честь Святителя Николая[1]. Согласно семейному преданию, он происходил из старинного казацкого рода и предположительно был потомком Остапа Гоголя — гетмана Правобережного Войска ЗапорожскогоРечи Посполитой. Некоторые из его предков приставали и к шляхетству, и ещё дед Гоголя, Афанасий Демьянович Гоголь-Яновский (1738—1805), писал в официальной бумаге, что «его предки, фамилией Гоголь, польской нации», хотя большинство биографов склонно считать, что он всё же был «малороссом»[9]. Ряд исследователей, чьё мнение сформулировал В. В. Вересаев, считает, что происхождение от Остапа Гоголя могло быть сфальсифицировано Афанасием Демьяновичем для получения им дворянства, так как священническая родословная была непреодолимым препятствием для приобретения дворянского титула
2. This difficult operation ... (is done) only in this hospital.
3. When was the radio ... (invented)?
4. I hope this book will be (translated) into Russian soon.
5. Now English is (spoken) all over the world.
6. All the questions must be (answered) at once.
7. Tomorrow everything ... (will be prepared) for opening the conference.
8. Tulips are traditionally (grown) in Holland.
9. The new film ... (will be discussed) all over Russia soon.
10. You got that mark because your composition ... (had been written) badly.
11. What is usually ... (made) from milk in your country?
12. It was very dark in the room. Nothing could be (seen).
13. Now computers are (used) in every family.
14. The park gates were (painted) last summer.
15. The major part of the Earth surface is (covered) by water.
16. My camera was (stolen) from my hotel room.
17. A mystery is something that can’t be (explained).
18. The tickets are (sold) in the booking office every day.
19. Two people were (arrested) after the police investigation.
20. The house looks different. It was (painted) last month.