1.First, he was reading the message. Then, he called his boss to inform him about the accident.
a) read / called b) was reading / called c) read / was calling
d) was reading / was calling
2. John looked tired this morning. He had studied all night long.
a) had been studying b) had studied c) was studying d) studied
3. Her mother started the window when it had cleaned to rain.
a) cleaned / started b) had been cleaning / started c) were cleaning / started
d) cleaned / were starting
4. Larry drove a car while he the played guitar.
a) was driving / played b) drove / played c) was driving / was playing
d) drove / had played
5. He has been walking when he slipped a banana skin.
c)has been walking / slipped
6. Jennifer Aniston starred in a number of successful films.
d) starred
7. Claire was so excited. She signed important contract
d) signed
ответ:Дмитрий Баландин-Olympic champion of Rio de Janeiro in swimming at a distance of 200 meters breaststroke
Адам Пити-Adam George Peaty (born December 28, 1994, Uttoxeter, UK) - British swimmer, 2016 Olympic champion in 100m breaststroke, Olympic silver medalist, 8-time world champion, 12-time champion Europe, European short course champion, three-time champion of the Commonwealth Games, world record holder at distances of 50 and 100 meters breaststroke. Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Объяснение:правильно мне поставили десять
Глагол Суффикс Существительное
depend + ence = dependence (зависимость)
recover + y = recovery (выздоровление восстан-е)
amaze + ment = amazement (изумление, удивление)
educate + tion = education (образование)
suggest + tion = suggestion (предложение, совет)
agree + ment = agreement (соглашение, договор)
urgent + с безотлагательность)
treat + ment = treatment (лечение, обращение)
inform + tion = information (информация, сведения)
state + ment = statement (заявление, утверждение)
perform + ance = performance (исполнение)
excite + ment = excitement (волнение, возбуждение)
improve + ment = improvement (улучшение)
appear + ance = appearance (появление, внешность)
differ + ence = difference (разница, отличие)
select + tion = selection (выбор, отбор, подбор)