Привет меня зовут Маргарет Баркер. Моя семья не очень большая . У меня есть муж и 2 ребенка Джон мой сын и Салли моя дочь. Муж Ричард доктор. Я школьный учитель. Я учу тоже . Сейчас она может играть на пианино Сали поет очень хорошо и любит петь. Я люблю слушать ее песни. Она часто поет вместе с ее друзьями в школе . Я учу в школе 2 дня в неделю в Четверг и Вторник. Иногда в выходные мы ходим все вместе в кино . Мы любим смотреть интересные фильмы Но обычно мы дома вместе смотрим телевизор. Мои дети часто играют в компьютерные игры тоже . Муж работает 5 или 6 дней в неделю Но в воскресенье он обычно с семьей. Мы очень хорошие друзья Удачи))(
Spices diversity of wild animals differs greatly from one region of the world to another one. Almost all the world’s largest animals live in southern countries, where there is enough food and the weather conditions are more or less even throughout the year. For example, the biggest terricole is the African bush elephant, which inhabits vast savannas of this continent. The highest animal in the world is the giraffe, which also lives in Africa. Both the giraffe and the elephant are herbivorous, i.e they eat only plant food. Interestingly, the world’s largest carnivore lives in the Arctic. It is the polar bear, which is considered to be one of the largest, heaviest and the most dangerous wild animals. Its diet consists mostly of fish and small marine animals. And as for the biggest marine mammal, it is, of course, the blue whale. . To my mind, the most unusual wild animals live in Australia. It is, for example, the kangaroo – the most well-know marsupial mammal, which breeds the young in the pouch. It is also a koala bear – a sluggish wooly animal which is often called the symbol of Australia. Finally, Australia is home for the emu, the second largest flightless bird in the world.. As for my homeland, the most famous Russian wild animal is, of course, the bear. Also in vast taiga forests one can meet wolves, foxes, hares, squirrels, wild pigs, roe deer, and so on. Some of them can be rather dangerous, especially in mating season.
1) will be traveling
2) will have taken
3) will buy
4) will like
5) will be holding
6) will have worked
7) will get
8) will have finished
9) will arrive
10) will be watching