Pairs. prepare a new
dialogue in exercise 5 as a
6 activate work in pairs. prepar
dialogue using the dialogue in a
model. change the words in blue
from the box or your own ideas, pr
new dialogue.
in blue. use ideas
ideas. practise the
city centre / shopping
library / studying
park / playing football
sports centre / playing tennis
lake / swimming добрые люди
угольный газ использовался в качестве топлива для дизельного двигателя. (was used - Past Simple Passive)
2. Thanks to new cars with greater capacity, the freight turnover will
be increased. - Благодаря новым вагонам с большей грузоподъемностью будет увеличен грузооборот. (will be increased - Future Simple Passive)
3. About 60% of the Moscow-St. Petersburg railway line is equipped with
an auto – block system and over one third is electrified. - Около 60 % железнодорожной линии Москва - Санкт-Петербург оснащено системой автоблокировки и более трети электрифицировано. (is equipped, is electrified - Present Simple Passive)