ответ: #5
2) If you had turned off the cooker, the fire wouldn’t have started.
3) If war hadn’t broken out, lots of lives wouldn’t have been lost.
4) If there were enough school, we would be able to solve the problem of illiteracy.
5) When the new factory opens, there will be 500 new jobs.
6) If the water is polluted, it is not safe to drink it.
7) If we had acted quickly, the fire wouldn’t have spread.
8) If we had enough volunteers, we would be able to clean the park.
2) If only they were more generous!
3) Helen wishes had volunteered last summer.
4) He wishes he hadn’t ignored the homeless man.
5) If only the shelter had been able to provide food for all the homeless people!
2) Yes,I have been.
3) I have seen different animals.There are cows, horses, goats, rams and others
4) I visited the farm.
5) There are a lot of places of amusements in the city. For example: the park, shopping centers, cinemas, play areas.
6) Advantages in the village: So you can relax there. You can see your grandparents. You can help them.
Disadvantage in the village: So there haven’t an internet, that’s why it’s so bad.
Advantages in city: There are have an internet. there is already some kind of civilization in the city.
7) I think, it’s better to live in an urban area.
Я думаю,это очень мало для целого сора(