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Choose from the words below to complete each gap or leave it blank.
some words can be used more than once.
alan, the, any, a few, both, each, neither, some
maria sharapova was born in nyagan in (a) 9 - siberia in
1987. this was (b) year of the nuclear accident at
chernobyl, which was only 100 miles away from the family home. they
moved to sochi on (c) black sea to escape the radiation.
(d) years later, in 1993, tennis champion martina
navratilova saw the young sharapova playing at the moscow tennis clinic. she was six years old. "i kney
i was watching (e) 11 future star," said martina, and she recommended that maria go to
( bollettieri tennis academy in florida. maria's parents borrowed money from
(g) family and friends to pay for the trip.
in 1994 maria and her father, yuri, arrived in (h) united states with $700 in their
pockets. we travelled by bus and train to florida,' says yuri. '0) maria nor i spoke
(1) english. luckily, there was (k). woman at the academy who spoke
russian.' nick bollettieri watched seven-year-old maria play for (1)
her at once. yuri rented a small flat and took (m) job on a building site. it was
(n) - hour's walk (o) way to the academy for yuri. maria's mother couldn't
get a visa at first. she had to wait two years, separated from (p) her husband and her
daughter, before she could come to florida.
ten years after she arrived in florida, maria won the wimbledon singles title.
! !

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Kvass is a drink traditional for Russia, which was consumed by all residents, regardless of wealth and class.

The drink is nutritious, with a sour-sweetish aftertaste. Now it belongs to non-alcoholic ones, but in ancient times, in terms of its strength, it could be equated with wine. They used it daily. It was also a drink for special occasions, festive celebrations and commemorations. The inhabitants of Russia considered it curative and gave it to seriously ill people to eat.

Квас — это традиционный для Руси напиток, который употребляли все жители, вне зависимости от достатка и сословия.

Напиток питательный, с кисловато-сладковатым привкусом. Сейчас он относится к безалкогольным, но в древности по крепости он мог приравниваться к вину. Употребляли его ежедневно. Он же являлся напитком для особых случаев, праздничных гуляний и поминок. Жители Руси считали его целебным и давали употреблять в пищу тяжелобольным людям.

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Some people say that we should invest money in ecology projects, while others believe that nature is doing well by itself.
The earth is the only planet that people can live on, but nowadays they seem to be doing everything to make their home unfit for living. Industrialization has brought us into conflict with the natural environment. Our planet is in danger; air, water and land pollution have disastrous consequences which threaten human life on Earth.
I strongly feel that the more money is invested in ecology projects, the better our lives are going to be. People have technologies to make our planet cleaner: we can control pollution, recycle waste materials, protect rare animals and plants and install antipollution equipment. We need more disaster-prevention programs in order to control environmental pollution, fight the destruction of wildlife and preserve woodlands. There should be more newspaper articles, TV-programs and science-popular films about ecological problems. They help people become environment-educated.
However, many people still believe that nature is doing well by itself.
To conclude, ecological problems concern everybody and there are ways to solve them. People must always remember that the earth is our home and it depends on us what it will be like.

 Many people think that they can't solve the world's environmental problems on their own and that the government and big companies must care about these problems. However, others say that individuals can do much to help the environment.

Our planet is in danger: air, water and land pollution have disastrous consequences which threaten human life on Earth. Most people are convinced that something must be done to stop pollution, but they don't know if they can help.
In my opinion, much can be done by an average citizen. People have to be smart about such things as driving a car or using electricity. Whenever we drive a car, we are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. To make our planet cleaner and to use less energy we can try carpooling. That is when three people ride together in one car instead of driving three cars to work. We can also use public transport, ride a bike, or walk. People can save electricity by turning off lights, our TV-set and computer. We can use less washing up liquids to keep the water clean. We can also plant trees, collect litter and recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. Besides, we can buy products that don't use much energy.

 There is a lot of discussion about the destruction of rain forests. Some people don't care about this problem, while others feel that the rain forest must be preserved.

Nowadays rainforests occupy a relatively small area. One can find them in South America and Indonesia, in Thailand and Sri Lanka. Worryingly, rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate owing to deforestation, river pollution and soil erosion. Quite a lot of people still don't know what effect the destruction of the rainforest may have on the world climate.
 Tropical rainforests are called the "world's largest pharmacy" because a lot of natural medicines have been discovered there. More than half of the world's species of plants and animals are found in rainforests. They also offer a way of life to many people living in and around the forest. What is more, rainforests are the lungs of our planet because they produce a significant amount of the world's oxygen.
To conclude, if people want to be healthy and to live happily on Earth, they must preserve rainforests. I think that governments must work together with environmentalists to fight deforestation and to prevent the disappearance of "the lungs of our planet".

 Everybody understands that we should recycle our waste. However, most people continue disposing of it in the usual way.

Recycling is an important issue nowadays. Unfortunately, people have always polluted their surroundings. The development of big industrial cities has led to the concentration of huge amounts of waste into small areas. So the obvious solution of this problem is recycling.

I strongly feel that everybody can help recycle waste by collecting litter and by sorting rubbish into different categories. Paper, glass and plastic can be sold to recycling companies. Recycled waste can be made into new products and it can help save natural resources.  
But in spite of all the advantages of recycling, there is still a lot of waste everywhere. Many people don't want to sort their rubbish. Some areas still have plenty of landfill space and no recycling centres. They find it rather expensive to transport materials for recycling to big cities. To my mind, there must be more recycling centres not only in big cities, but in small towns as well. 
In general, recycling is good for the environment. What is more, it is an interesting and profitable business.

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