ответ: The dog is the best pet and companion. It will share the life and home of its owner and his family members. This is not surprising, since the dog was probably the very first animal to be domesticated by man. Since the beginning of time, man and dog shared food and shelter, and the dog guarded his life and property.
The mural of an Egyptian tomb depicts a hunter with a dog, drawn by an unknown artist 3,400 years ago. From ancient inscriptions carved in stone, we can learn about the pharaohs ' hounds chasing gazelles and dogs guarding herds. For the ancient Egyptians, the dog was not just a pet, they worshipped it as a symbolic guide and protector in the realm of the dead. The ancient Egyptian God Anubis had a human body and a dog's head. The ancient Egyptians even mummified dogs.
The Romans distinguished among domestic dogs, herding, hunting and fighting breeds. Small (Maltese and Pekingese), are considered the most ancient breeds,since olden days they lived in Royal palaces.
The Dingo is the oldest of the dog breeds. They came to Australia with the first people to cross the land that once connected the island continent with Asia
На русском:
Собака-это лучший питомец и компаньон. Он будет разделять жизнь и дом своего владельца и членов его семьи. Это неудивительно, поскольку собака была, вероятно, самым первым животным, одомашненным человеком. С незапамятных времен человек и собака делили пищу и кров, а собака охраняла его жизнь и имущество.
На фреске египетской гробницы изображен охотник с собакой, нарисованный неизвестным художником 3400 лет назад. Из древних надписей, высеченных на камне, мы можем узнать о гончих фараонов, преследующих газелей, и собаках, охраняющих стада. Для древних египтян собака была не просто домашним животным, они поклонялись ей как символическому проводнику и защитнику в царстве мертвых. Древнеегипетский бог Анубис имел человеческое тело и собачью голову. Древние египтяне даже мумифицировали собак.
Римляне выделяли среди домашних собак пастушеские, охотничьи и бойцовские породы. Мелкие (мальтийцы и пекинесы), считаются самыми древними породами, издревле они жили в королевских дворцах.
Динго-самая старая из пород собак. Они пришли в Австралию вместе с первыми людьми, которые пересекли земли, некогда соединявшую островной континент с Азией
Dear Helen,
How are the things going on? Did something new happen in your life? Having received your letter, I wanted to answer it immediately but I was working a lot during the last two weeks. So I was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.
In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at work I always imagine myself strolling down some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know this author. Are you ready to read good literature?
Tell me more about your work and free time. Are you satisfied with all this? What are your plans for this summer? Maybe we will be able to meet one day?
Truly yours,