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kevin was a prodigy child. by the age of two he had learned to read and write. before his fifth birthday his parents had taught him to speak french and german and he played the piano rather well. kevin was a great lover of books and by the age of ten he had already read all the books in his father’s library. when all his friends were still in the second form, he had already left school. after he had finished college, he went to university to become a microbiologist. at sixteen he was ready for his final exams and soon became the youngest scientist in the history of his country. he was happy because he hadn’t wasted his time and got a good profession that he loved. the only problem with kevin was that he had never played football or basketball with his friends and had no idea of sports, games or children’s parties: he hadn’t had time for them.
Beat together eggs and water to prepare omelet mix. Refrigerate.
For 1 omelet, warm 1 1/2 ounces turkey and 2 slices of bacon.
Use 1 - 4 ounces ladle of omelet mix to prepare omelet. Fill with turkey, bacon and 3 slices tomato.
Close omelet.
Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 310 Calories; 19g Fat (58.0% calories from fat); 29g Protein; 3g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 466mg Cholesterol; 373mg Sodium. Exchanges: 4
Broccoli and Cheese Omelette
2 tablespoons margarine;
4 eggs -- beaten;
1/2 cup shredded Provolone cheese;
2 cups thinly sliced broccoli -- steamed;
1 cup Chunky Gardenstyle Pasta Sauce -- heated;
Cooking Recipe:
Melt margarine in a 10" skillet. Pour in beaten eggs; cook over medium heat until almost set. Add cheese and broccoli; cover and cook until thoroughly set. Invert onto serving plate. Serve topped with heated sauce.
Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 390 Calories; 30g Fat (69.5% calories from fat); 24g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 447mg Cholesterol; 586mg Sodium. Exchanges: 2 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 4 Fat.