On wednesday James doesn`t go to the gym. Does James go to the gym on wednesday? On Monday Tim doesn`t play the guitar. Does Tim play the guitar on Monday? On Friday Helen and Mikedon`t have dinner in a restaurant. Do Helen and Mike have dinner in a restaurant on Friday? On Tuesday Sam doesn`t go to the cinema . Does Sam go to the cinema on Tuesday? On Saturday Mary and John don`t go shopping. Do Mary and John go hopping on Saturday? On Thursday Frank doesn`t meet his friends.Does Frank meet his friends on Thursday?
Про весну How soon do the streams softly flow? When do the first flowers gently blow? Where do the strong winds suddenly go? Why do the plants slowly grow? I don’t know. But the wind is blowing lightly. The sun is shining brightly. High up in the tree A bird sings merrily. And the streams will flow, Flowers will blow Winds will go, Grasses will grow, even if I don’t know
Как скоро ручьи нежно зажурчат? Когда первые цветы нежно зацветут? Куда сильные ветры внезапно уйдут? Почему растения медленно растут? Я не знаю. Но ветер дует нежно. Солнце светит ярко. Высоко на дереве Птица поет весело. И потоки будут течь, Цветы будут цвести, Ветры уйдут, Травы вырастут, даже если я не буду знать
Про природу The Most Pleasant Tree From the very top of the tallest tree A little breeze called down to me: “Come up here and you will see the things that are most pleasant to me.
Самое приятное дерево С самой верхушки самого высокого дерева Маленький ветерок позвал меня: “Подойди сюда, и ты увидишь то, что наиболее приятно мне.
берёшь и учишь, читаешь буквы и запоминаешь их.