3. 1) Она играет в игрушки? Does she play in toys? 2) Он не гуляет со своими друзьями. He doesn't go for a walk with his friends. 3) Они бегают? Do they run?
5. Нет картинки, не могу посмотреть, что Бен делает. Напишу ответ для 2 случаев: 1) Can Ben swim? Yes, he can. No, he can't. 2) Can Ben draw? Yes, he can. No, he can't. 3) Can Ben clap his hands? Yes, he can. No, he can't. 4) Can Ben write? Yes, he can. No, he can't. 5) Can Ben jump up high? Yes, he can. No, he can't.
6. Has Sam got a sister? We haven't got a big house. Has a crocodile three eyes? - No, it hasn't. A crocodile has a two eyes.
1 текст (А) - Where is the Fog? 2 текст (В) - Who should do it? 3 текст (С) - Traditional Measures 4 текст (D) - Soapy Plates 5 текст (Е) - Enjoyable Ads Описание картинки:
This man is lying on the grass, and there are trees behind - perhaps this is the countryside. The photo shows good weather and blue sky. A man lies on his stomach, propping his head with his hands and dangling his legs. He is red, he has a lot of freckles and blue eyes. He makes a grimace for the photo. I like this photo because it is interesting and original. Here is an unusual angle and beautiful colors.
In the Train A - quickly B - opposite C - more D - again E - now