good health is very important for every person. moreover, there is nothing more important than health. wise people even say: “health is above wealth”, because if you don’t care of your health, you can’t study or work properly.
unfortunately, having perfect health is almost impossible nowadays. due to highly polluted environment people suffer from many diseases.
the best way to stay healthy is to do regular morning exercise, to eat healthy products, to sleep at least 8 hours a day and to quit bad habits. the good thing is that people are becoming more health-conscious. in my opinion, the number of smoking and alcohol drinking people is decreasing in our country. this is happening because people started to understand how dangerous these two bad habits are. obesity is another health problem. people, who eat lots of fattening food and do almost no exercise, are often overweight. a healthy diet involves many fruit and vegetables, seafood and wholegrain products. salt, sugar and fat should be avoided. excessive dieting can be also dangerous. some people refuse to eat meat and become vegetarian. however, doctors say that meat is an excellent source of good nutrition.
to my mind, one of the best ways to stay healthy and fit is to go in for various sports. my favourite sport is swimming. i spend a lot of time in the swimming-pool. i think it revitalizes my body and gives me energy for the whole day. other sports i enjoy are cross-country skiing and figure-skating. to stay healthy, it is also important to spend lots of time in the open air. it is especially useful to go for a walk before going to bed.
following these simple rules regularly is the only way to promote our health.
1) Patients are usually examined by students under the guidance of the doctor.
2) A strict diet is followed by patients for two months after operation.
3) Sleeping draughts were prescribed by the doctor
4) Some lectures in Histology were missed by students
5) The patient’s wound will be examined by the surgeon carefully.
6) Moist rales were heard by the therapeutist.
1) Blood pressure is examined with tonometer
2) lung troubles are revealed with the X-ray
3) His temperature has been checked with a thermometer
4) Jack was applied glass-cups
5) Patients are operated with scalpel and hemostats
6) Blood tests were made with a microscope
1) Blood pressure is being taken by the doctor now.
2) The patient is being brought to the operating-room.
3) The patient’s eye-sight is being checked by the ophthalmologist
4) We are being told how to take blood pressure.
5) The therapeutist was being to a patient when I came to the polyclinic.
6) I was being given the injection of camphor when my friend came in.
1) Пациенты обычно осматриваются студентами под руководством врача.
2) Строгая диета соблюдается пациентами в течение двух месяцев после операции.
3) Снотворные были назначены врачом
4) Некоторые лекции по гистологии были пропущены студентами
5) Рана пациента будет осмотрена хирургом тщательно.
6) Влажные хрипы были услышаны терапевтом.
1) Артериальное давление исследуется с тонометра
2) Проблемы с легкими выявляются с рентгеновского снимка
3) Его температура была проверена с термометра
4) Джеку поставили банки
5) Пациентов оперируют со скальпелем и специальными зажимами
6) Анализы крови были сделаны с микроскопа
1) Кровяное давление сейчас измеряется врачом.
2) Пациента везут в операционную.
3) Зрение пациента проверяется офтальмологом
4) Нам рассказывают как измерять кровяное давление.
5) Терапевта вызывали к пациенту, когда я пришел в поликлинику.
6) Мне делали мне укол камфоры, когда вошел мой друг.