Вы получили электронное письмо от вашего друга по переписке. напишите ему / ей об известном молодом человеке из вашей страны, чем он / она занимается; качества характера; почему вы находите его / ее интересным.
Yuri Gagarin is a famous cosmonaut.He flew into space, not afraid that he might die in this flight, but he decided on it and became the very first person to visit space.
Перевод:Юрий Гагарин- известный космонавт.Он полетел в космос, не боясь что может погибнуть в этом полёте, но он решился на это, и стал самым первым человеком побывавшим в космосе.
1. "War and Peace" was written by Tolstoy. 2. Spanish is spoken in Chile. 3. This dress was made by my mother. 4. You will be told what to do. 5. "Dynamo" was beaten 3:0 by "Spartak" yesterday 6. This car is driven by electricity. 7. Meat isn't sold here. It's the greengrocer's. 8. The room is being painting, we can't work there. 9. The problem is still being discussed. 10. Has Peter been asked? 11. Your address in Russia was given me. 12. He has been stopped for driving too fast. 13. A cure for AIDs will be found by doctors one day. 14. Horrible pictures have been painted on the walls. 15. A motorway is going to be built through the village . 16. ltalian is going to be taught at our school.
1. You don't break the rules of behaviour, do you? 2. Some rules seem strange to foreigners, don't they? 3. Some people in Britain do not congratulate each other on national holidays, do they? 4. It is rude to stare at strangers, isn't it? 5. You aren't British, are you? 6. You were born in America, weren't you? 7. You don't speak Russian, do you? 8. You visited your mother-in-law last week, didn't you? 9. The holiday of Christmas is more important than Easter, isn't it? 10. You will go to Germany next summer, won't you? 11. The weather in Ural isn't very good, is it? 12. Nobody came, did they? 13. Lots of people consider the British football the best in the world, don't they?
Yuri Gagarin is a famous cosmonaut.He flew into space, not afraid that he might die in this flight, but he decided on it and became the very first person to visit space.
Перевод:Юрий Гагарин- известный космонавт.Он полетел в космос, не боясь что может погибнуть в этом полёте, но он решился на это, и стал самым первым человеком побывавшим в космосе.