Recently I visited the book exhibition, which was held in the exhibition center "Siberia". There were many visitors. After all, approaching the first of September, it's time to purchase textbooks, atlases, dictionaries, fiction. The selection of books at the fair was huge. You can find classic and contemporary authors, both Russian and Ukrainian languages. Trays speckled with bright, glossy covers. All the books are beautifully decorated, with nice illustrations. Many of the works published in a foreign language. At the fair were taken into account the interests of readers of all ages. For babies — solid, cardboard stories, collections of poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak, and G. Oster. For older children — fantasy and adventure literature. Is in great demand tale "Harry Potter". For the so-called "light fiction" you can buy detectives, they often come in soft covers. These books small size is convenient to take on vacation, on the train. Buy adult historical literature, memoirs of famous people. Quickly sold out various accounting and economic benefits, guidelines for working with a computer, dictionaries and encyclopedias. In addition to book production at the fair was a good selection of stationery: diaries, notebooks, albums, pens, bags, backpacks, pencil cases. Students simply dazzled. There you can buy postcards, table and wall calendars, different colored stickers with inscriptions and pictures. I think that all visitors to the fair found your product and was satisfied with the purchase. Fair — this is interesting, necessary and serious. Make your choice with such an abundance of goods is not easy.
Long since the lands of the future state of Montana were inhabited by Indians of such tribes as
Cheyenne, Crow, Blackfoot, Assyniboin, Gwanthra, Sioux (they are also Dakotas and Lakotas), etc.
The French appeared in this area in 1742. The territory of modern Montana east of the Rockies is part of Louisiana, bought from France in 1803. At the beginning of the XIX century, the area was explored during the expeditions of Lewis and Clark. Mehtorgovtsy and missionaries founded a number of settlements in the early XIX century.
In the period 1848-1864 biennium. various parts of Montana were part of various federal territories, such as:
Oregon (1848-1859), Washington (1853-1863), Idaho (1863-1864) and Dakota (1861-1864).
In the 1850s, solid deposits of gold and copper were discovered within the future Montana. May 26, 1864 Montana received the status of the federal territory of the United States. The name of the territory (and then the state) comes from the Spanish word montaña (mountain). Its first capital was Bannack. The first governor was Sidney Edgerton. In 1865, the capital of the territory was moved to Virginia City, and in 1875 - to the city of Helena.
In the late 1860s, several military forts were founded here, such as Fort Shaw, Kemp-Cook and Fort Smith. The colonization of Montana was accompanied by battles with the Indian tribes; the most famous happened in 1876 and became known as the Battle of Little Bighorn. The construction of the North Pacific Railway in 1883 led to a sharp increase in the population. The territory of Montana was incorporated into the USA on May 26, 1864, and on November 8, 1889, Montana was declared a state.