1. Sally said she was planning to go to Kenya.
2. Anthon said he took his little sister to school every day.
3. Nonna said I might take her textbook.
4. Nick said they were playing in the gym that moment.
5. Mary said she didn't like chocolate.
6. Helen said her sister was ready to go.
7. The girl said her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.
8. The teacher said the birds built their nests among the trees.
9. Jimmy said he wasn't married.
10. Petra said she couldn't read those books. She didn't like them.
Надеюсь Если не сложно можешь отметить мой ответ как лучший?
На письме после слов, вводящих прямую речь, ставится запятая, а сама прямая речь берётся в кавычки:
She says, "They're here"
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную и запятая, и кавычки исчезают, но вместо запятой может появиться союз "that" (что):
She says that they're here.
She says they're here.
Как видите, при переводе прямой речи в косвенную, слова автора становятся главным предложением (shesays), а прямая речь — придаточным (that they're here).
Выражение вынужденного действия, советаЕсли слова автора стоят в времени, а в прямой речи имеется глагол "must", то при переходе в косвенную он меняется на "had to":
She said, "I must go"
She said she had to go.
Если же глаголом "must" выражен некий совет или побуждение к действию, то он не меняется:
Doctor said, "You must come again".
Doctor said I must come again.
Глаголы "should" и "ought to" при переходе из прямой речи в косвенную тоже не меняются:
Joe said, "You should/ought to leave".
Joe said we should/ought to leave.
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную подлежат замене следующие местоимения и наречия:
this → that
these → those
here → there
now → then
today → that day
tomorrow → the next day
yesterday → the day before
the day after tomorrow → two days later
the day before yesterday → two days after
ago → before
next day → the following day
He said, "This letter came yesterday"
He said that letter had come the day before.
She said, "I'll be here tomorrow"
She said she would be there the next day.
Однако, наречие "here" не изменяется, если говорящие находятся в том же месте, о котором говорят:
He says, "We always eat here"
He says they always eat here.
Местоимение "this" не меняется, если предмет, о котором идёт речь, имеется тут же, в наличии:
She said, "This is my favorite dress"
She said this was her favorite dress.
Здесь контекст таков, что платье находится в поле зрения говорящих. Если бы его не было, "this" заменилось бы на "that".
Обстоятельства времени не меняются, если разговор происходит в то же самое время:
They said, "She was here today"
They said she had been here today.
Контекст таков, что сегодня ещё не Если бы наступил другой день, то вместо "today" стояло бы "that
I 1.(joined) BP as a graduate trainee four years ago. I 2.(did) my degree in mechanical engineering at leeds University - and they obviously 3.(...decided ...) right at the beginning that I 4.(...was) someone they wanted to keep, so they 5.(...put...) me on the fast track to promotion. This meant that i 6.(...would spend...) just three months in the production department and then they 7.(would move..) me to marketing. Since then, I 8.(have worked...) in three different divisions of the company and I 9.(...did...) an overseas posting as well - I 10.(...was) assistant divisional manager in Venezuela for six months last year. The company 11.(...encouraged) me to continue training, and last months I 12.(...did) my professional exams and 13.(..became) a member of the Institute of Chartered Engineers.