1. ссорится/спорить с
1) I argued with my mother yesterday, but we quickly reconciled (помирились)
move to another house
2)Our neighbors moved to another house
sibling- родной брат (я так поняла состовлять с англ. словом)
3)She has a sibling
to throw a party - устраивать вечеринку
4)they throw a party but their neighbors were against
lose something valuable
5)my sister lost something valuable so she is very upset
сдавать экзамены
6)one day I will sit my exams
disagree with parents
7)sometimes i disagree with my parents
(составила со всеми словами чтоб на всякий случай)
2 не знаю
1. ссорится/спорить с
1) I argued with my mother yesterday, but we quickly reconciled (помирились)
move to another house
2)Our neighbors moved to another house
sibling- родной брат (я так поняла состовлять с англ. словом)
3)She has a sibling
to throw a party - устраивать вечеринку
4)they throw a party but their neighbors were against
lose something valuable
5)my sister lost something valuable so she is very upset
сдавать экзамены
6)one day I will sit my exams
disagree with parents
7)sometimes i disagree with my parents
(составила со всеми словами чтоб на всякий случай)
2 не знаю