Первое, на что стоит опираться, это — контекст.
Очень важна целая картинка вашего разговора.
Второй важный момент, на который стоит обратить внимание, это — какое время используют сами носители языка, когда хотят сказать: «Я был в..»
had been made - Past Perfect Passive
Обозначает действие, которое совершилось (было совершено) К какому-то моменту в
The presentation HAD been made BY 5 o'clock.- Презентацию провели К 5 часам.
The presentation HAD already been made when the sales manager arrived. - Презентацию уже провели к тому моменту, как прибыл менеджер по сбыту.
has been made - Present Perfect Passive
Обозначает действие, которое совершилось К НАСТОЯЩЕМУ моменту. Неважно, когда именно, важен сам факт его совершения и наличие результата этого действия в настоящем
The presentation HAVE already been made. - Презентацию уже провели. (То есть мы уже ознакомлены с новой информацией)
There are millions and millions of blockbuster films fans all over the world. But there are other people who think that those movies are far less interesting to watch than modern TV series.
In my opinion, TV series are more interesting to watch than blockbusters because a blockbuster is usually just 1.5 or 2 hours long, so moviemakers are limited in time and cannot tell us everything they want to, whereas TV series can make an almost unlimited number of episodes and seasons to tell us each and every detail about their characters, locations and other parts of the story. Also, TV series usually have bigger budgets than a typical mid-end blockbuster..Becouse they have better actors, equipment and so forth.
but this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Вот.Если надо,напишу перевод.
There is no doubt that for the last couple of years television had become one of the main sources of information. Even the invention of the Internet couldn’t make it fully disappear. Some people claim that television is a disaster of twenty first century, designed to make the population dumber and more inactive. But is it really so? Let’s find out!
Television’s origins can be found in the late nineteenth and the beginning of twentieth centuries. The very first documented usage of the word “television” goes back to 1900 when a hard work of a Russian scientist named Constantin Perskiy finally paid off. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can forget about the work of all the scientists before him! It is believed, that television had been invented long before that, but due to some disagreements (some scientists wanted to patent this invention and then try to earn a fortune with it) the actual release of it to the outer world was delayed.
Now television plays a major role in our lives, it allows us keeping up to date with modern news, not only in our own country, but also abroad. It is a major entertainment tool – lots of TV shows are known worldwide and became a part of a modern cultural legacy.
But when it comes to television, it’s extremely important that one is able to filter the actually useful information from so-called informational “noise”. Lots of old people just sit in from of their TV thoughtlessly watching anything that comes on the screen. The same thing about kids. When it comes to watching TV programs, parents’ advisory is highly recommended, just to make sure that your child’s mind won’t degrade.
But with smart usage, I think, that television is a rather useful invention, making our lives easier day by day and teaching us lots of new and useful things from the famous “blue screen”.
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