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03.02.2023 01:47 •  Английский язык

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find in the texts the words which have the similar mean ings as the following words: watching, comprises, started, old, often, various, complicated, com bines, many, main, also, perhaps, to assist, almost, wide.

music is one ofthe oldest arts. people probably started singing as soon as language developed. many ancient peoples, including the egyptians, chinese, babylonians and the people of india, used music in religious ceremonies. the first written music dates from about 2500 bc nowadays music takes many forms around the world. there are two chief kinds of music: classical and popular. classical music includes sym phonies, operas and ballets. popular music includes country music, folk music, jazz, rock music etc. music plays a major role in other arts. opera combines singing and orchestral music with drama. ballet and other forms of dancing need mu sic to help the dancers. film and tv dramas use music to help set mood and emphasize the action music plays an important part in all cultures and social activities. nearly all peoples use music in their religious services to create a state of mystery and awe, a feeling of distance from the daily world. many people perform music for their own satisfaction. singing in a choir or playing a musical instrument in a band can be very enjoyable. music provides people with a way to express their feelings.​



найдите в текстах слова, которые имеют значения, аналогичные значениям следующих слов: наблюдение, включает в себя, начало, старое, часто, различное, сложное, сочетания, много, главное, а также, возможно, чтобы , почти, широко.

музыка - одно из древнейших искусств. люди, вероятно, начали петь, как только развился язык. многие древние народы, включая египтян, китайцев, вавилонян и народ индии, использовали музыку в религиозных церемониях. первая написанная музыка датируется около 2500 г. до н.э. в наше время музыка принимает множество форм по всему миру. существует два основных вида музыки: классическая и популярная. классическая музыка включает в себя симфонии, оперы и . популярная музыка включает в себя музыку кантри, фолк, джаз, рок-музыку и т. д. музыка играет важную роль в других видах искусства. опера сочетает в себе пение и оркестровую музыку с драмой. и другие виды танцев в музыке, чтобы танцорам. фильмы и телевизионные драмы используют музыку, чтобы настроить настроение и подчеркнуть действие музыка играет важную роль во всех культурах и общественных мероприятиях. почти все народы используют музыку в своих религиозных службах, чтобы создать состояние таинственности и страха, ощущение отдаленности от повседневного мира. многие люди исполняют музыку для собственного удовольствия. пение в хоре или игра на музыкальном инструменте в группе может быть приятным. музыка дает людям возможность выразить свои чувства

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1. if you see tom, tell him to call me. 2. if i drink coffee, i will not sleep. 3. she will meet with me if she does not work. 4. he will get a job if he moves. 5. they will not make a cake unless they go to the store. 6. we will not go to the cinema if she comes.


if he were slim, he would be more attractive. (если бы он был стройным, он был бы более привлекательным.)

i would pick the children up if i were not busy. (я бы забрал детей, если бы не был занят.)

if you drank much wine, you would feel sleepy. (если бы ты выпил много вина, ты бы захотел спать.)

if i were married, i would have lunch at home. (если бы я был женат, я бы обедал дома.)

if peter lived in a house, he would have a dog. (если бы петя жил в доме, у него была бы собака.)


if you left the child alone, he would hurt himself. (если бы ты оставил ребенка одного, он бы поранился.)

we would make nice pictures if paola brought a camera. (мы бы сделали красивые фотографии, если бы паола принесла фотоаппарат.)

if it snowed, the kids would make a snowman. (если бы пошел снег, дети бы слепили снеговика.)

i’d buy this laptop if i had enough money. (я бы купил этот ноутбук, если бы имел достаточно денег.)

if our granny put on her glasses, she would see the flowers. (если бы наша бабушка надела очки, она бы увидела цветы.)

if you were too busy, we’d leave you alone. (если бы ты был слишком занят, мы бы оставили тебя в покое.)

i would plant the tomatoes tomorrow if it rained. (я бы посадила завтра помидоры, если бы пошел дождь.)

if bob found his relatives, he would live with them. (если бы боб нашел своих родственников, он бы жил с ними.)

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cars are an essential part of many people’s lives nowadays. since their appearance many things have changed. travelling from one place to another became easier and faster. besides when we go by car, comfort during the trip is guaranteed.

there are many types of cars: small, large, cargo сars, minivans, jeeps. all of them are multifunctional.

first and the most important role of the car is driving to work and back. many people in big cities live in the suburbs but work in the downtown. that’s why every morning and evening people use personal cars. when the road traffic is heavy they can use public transport.

second role of the car is to travel to long distances, for instance, to other cities or countries. there are, of course, other ways of travelling: by bus, by train, by plane. however, only cars let us feel comfortable and free on the way. many people choose cars because of the beautiful view from the window. the only disadvantage of distant travels by car is the price of gasoline. in many countries it’s usually high.

another good reason for having a car is going to large supermarkets. when the family is big and there are several pets, it’s simply vital to buy a lot of food. many families go shopping for food at weekends and cars are very useful on such days.

i should say that cars have brought a lot of problems, such as air pollution and traffic jams. however, they gave people more freedom of movement and comfort. when i grow up, i want to have a car of my own. i hope by that time cars will be electric and less harmful for the environment.

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