0.5 litre of boiling milk (0.5 литра кипяченого молока);
a pinch of salt and sugar (щепотка соли и сахара).
Preparation (Приготовление):
First peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes. (Сначала очистите и порежьте кубиками лук, репу, морковь и картофель).
Next put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley. (На сливочном масле обжариваете лук, репу, картофель и ветчину).
Pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour and mix well. (Тушите 10 минут на среднем огне, добавляете ложку муки и все тщательно перемешиваете).
After that add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up; keeping it stirred; skim it. ( В мясной бульон добавляете молоко, варите, периодически помешивая и снимая пенку).
Then add a litlle salt and sugar and run it trough a sieve into another pan. (Затем добавляете немного сахара и соли и пропускаете через сито в другую кастрюлю).
Finally boil again. (В конце смешиваете все ингредиенты и доводите до кипения). Serve with fried bread and parsley (Суп подается с гренками и петрушкой).
My family is very unusual. My elder sister usually goes shopping and also sometimes makes my bed. My mother usually does the washing up and lays the table, but sometimes my granny helps to my my with cooking the dinner and the lunch. My aunt Clear usually makes tasty cakes.We like it so much! I usually water the flowers,clean the room becides my bed. My dad rapairs my our car,my bike and my brother`s scooter. Also he answers phones calls and reads the newspapers.My brother watches some films which he likes.
You know, I love our Moscow. Because I think, it's very beautiful and old. We have great history and it famous all over the world. So, where is Moscow? This is very easy question. It is located in the center of European part of Russia. And Russia, located on the mainland of Eurasia. Quite an interesting question about our weather... Well, we have sunny summer, but it often rains. When winter come, we have a terrible cold weather, but we have a lots of snow on the streets. So, we can make snowman or play snowbals, it really cool. But our autumn is really beautiful and colorful. When the leaves are falling, covering the ground a huge carpet. Well, I love our city. Because it so great, popular, beautiful and cute.
three onions (3 луковицы);
three turnips (3 репы);
one carrot (одна морковь);
four potatoes (четыре картофелины);
100 g butter (100 грамм сливочного масла);
150 g ham (150 грамм ветчины);
a bunch of parsley (один пучок петрушки);
a spoonful of flour (1 ложка муки);
2 litres of broth (2 литра бульона);
0.5 litre of boiling milk (0.5 литра кипяченого молока);
a pinch of salt and sugar (щепотка соли и сахара).
Preparation (Приготовление):First peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes. (Сначала очистите и порежьте кубиками лук, репу, морковь и картофель).
Next put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley. (На сливочном масле обжариваете лук, репу, картофель и ветчину).
Pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour and mix well. (Тушите 10 минут на среднем огне, добавляете ложку муки и все тщательно перемешиваете).
After that add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up; keeping it stirred; skim it. ( В мясной бульон добавляете молоко, варите, периодически помешивая и снимая пенку).
Then add a litlle salt and sugar and run it trough a sieve into another pan. (Затем добавляете немного сахара и соли и пропускаете через сито в другую кастрюлю).
Finally boil again. (В конце смешиваете все ингредиенты и доводите до кипения). Serve with fried bread and parsley (Суп подается с гренками и петрушкой).