1. doesn't feel
2. take.
3. feeds
4. washes
5. cleans
6. doesn't like
7. love
8. love
1. Can you play the guitar? No, I can't. I can not play guitar
2. Have you got a pet? Yes, I have. I have got a cat.
3. Do your parents work in the evening? No, they don't. My parents don't work in the evening.
4. Are your friends English? No, my friends are not english, they are Russian.
5. Has your teacher got a long hair? No, she has not. She has short hair.
6. Does your best friend like football? Yes, he does. My best friend likes football.
7.Does your English teacher give you a lot of homework? No, she doesn't. She doesn't give us a lot of homework.
8.Is there a zoo in your town? Yes, there is a zoo in my town.
9. Do your friends live near to you? Yes, they do. My friends live near to me.
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