ответ: да рил по конткретнне можн?
1. He spoke with the strong accent of a man who had learned the Russian language in his middle years.
2. Protecting endangered animal species almost always requires close international cooperation.
3. People swarmed like ants chasing crumbs that fell from the mouths of people at a picnic.
4. But no dared to call this event a global catastrophe.
5. Office successfully withstood the economic crisis.
6. This decision is considered international.
7. Experimenting with that amount of energy could be very dangerous.
8. Charlie Damelio is a personally in tiktok with 100 million fans.
9. He liked to be shocked people, and he wanted everyone, without exception, to cause delight and admiration.
10. I don't know how to peel potatoes.
конкретнее !