Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Befitting the Red Planet's bloody color, the Romans named it after their god of war. In truth, the Romans copied the ancient Greeks, who also named the planet after their god of war, Ares.
ПЕРЕВОД-Марс-это четвертая планета от солнца. Как и подобает кровавому цвету Красной планеты, римляне назвали ее в честь своего бога войны. По правде говоря, римляне копировали древних греков, которые также назвали планету в честь своего бога войны Ареса.
1) What an interesting story!
2) What a large room!
3) What an interesting story you've told! 4)What a large room he lives in!
5) How nice of you!
Утвердительные предложения:
1) Every morning I get up at 6 o’clock.
2)She helps me to do my homework.
3)They try to get the cheapest buns.
4) I wanted to buy some tickets.
5)I cried because no one wanted to lend me a bicycle.
Отрицательные предложения:
1) Не never told anybody about it.
2) I didn’t take any books from the table.
3) Не doesn’t know where Jane is.
4)I can‘t take you with me this time.
5)I won’t let him come.