Look at the extracts from technical discussions on a construction site.
complete the sentences using the words in the box. look at b opposite to help you.
gridline, interest, parallel, perpendicular, set out, square off
1. according to this drawing, 8 runs along the external wall of
the structure.
2. the positions were marked accurately – they were by our site
3. the external wall runs along gridline i, and the internal corridor wall runs
along gridline 2, so the walls are with each other.
4. i’ve marked a cross on the concrete floor, showing where the two
1when was he in Minsk list time?-Last year.
3they weren't at the institute in the morning.
4who were you at the ministry with that day?
5were you at school or at home at 5 yesterday?
6what person was this?what was he?(what is his profession?)
7how many times a week were you at the institute?
8were you an engineer or a student three years ago?
9It was Sunday yesterday.
10was the weather bad here last week?
No,it wasn't.The weather wad very fine.
11were you a good or a bad student?
I was a good student.
12who of you was at the hospital yesterday?we with Ann were.Peter wasn't with us.