Spain is a country in south-western Europe. It is a kingdom. Its official language is Spanish.
Spain has common borders with France, Andorra, Portugal and Morocco. The capital of Spain is Madrid, the largest city in the country. The country is divided in 17 regions.
Spain has a long history and unique culture.
Испания — это страна в юго-западной Европе. Является королевством. Официальный язык — испанский.
Испания имеет общие границы с Францией, Андоррой, Португалией и Марокко. Столица Испании — Мадрид, самый большой город страны. Страна делится на 17 регионов.
Испания имеет долгую историю и уникальную культуру.
I've already watched this film.
He's just played a new song
Has Daniel become a celebrity yet?
We still haven't finished our new album
Have they started ther new tour yet?