1. Uzbekistan is located between two rivers.
2. the Territory of Uzbekistan is the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, 12 regions and the city of Tashkent.
3. Uzbekistan is a Sunny country.
4. the coldest month in Uzbekistan is January.
5. in 1991, on August 31, Uzbekistan became independent.
6. The population of Uzbekistan at the beginning of 2000 was 24.5 million.
7. Problems related to the life of the population of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan, including protection of motherhood and childhood, spiritual and all-round development of the younger generation.
8. 8. Uzbekistan has great economic potential among the republics of Central Asia and neighboring Kazakhstan.
9. 9. the economy of our country has a number of industrial sectors that continue to develop.
Как-то так.
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Do you drink fizzy drinks (или что-нибудь своё)? How many glasses do you drink a day?
Where do you normally have lunch?
What do you usually have for lunch during a week?
Do you ever cook? What do you make?
Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
Здесь всё в Present Simple потому что спрашивается о привычках, обычных, повторяющихся действиях
Are you taking vitamins or food supplements at the moment?
Are you trying to cut down on anything at the moment?
Do you need to buy any food today? Здесь презент симпл потому что нельзя нуждаться в процессе
Do you want anything to eat right now?
Здесь презент симпл потому что нельзя хотеть в процессе
Are the diet in your country getting better (или worse)?
В остальных используется Present Continuousпотому что действие совершается в данный момент
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